Monday, March 9, 2009

Sunday March 8, 2009

Wow, we had a great day! I started off sluggish, due to the time change, but made it to Sunday school to find a packed house. We had over 20 kids, but I don't remember exactly how many because they kept coming in late, but the important thing is they made it. We studied in chapter fifteen of Matthew, specifically in verses eight and nine. In it Jesus addresses a serious problem faced by the "religious" people of that time He said, "This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men." I feel this is the same state of many Christians today. Instead of worshiping in Spirit and in Truth, we worship the way that best suits our needs. We should consider how Christ wants to be worshiped, and we should live our lives accordingly. So many times I see people who claim to be on fire for Jesus, yet there is no fruit to show for it. If we would only turn our hearts to Jesus, He would show us the way through His Spirit. This is what I tried to get across to the kids, get you heart right first and let Jesus lead the way. A simple lesson, yet so few can trust and obey.

As soon as church was out, we headed straight to Tupelo Mississippi to take part in Winterjam 2009. We got to try out the new bus, and it was great! Could not ask for more. Fifteen of us traveled in it with Drew Garvin at the helm, Tyler and a couple more were in the middle in his truck, and bring up the rear was Ms. Andlyn in the suburban with some of the girls. We went to the mall and ate, and then headed to the Bancorpsouth center to get in line. We got there at about 2:45 and were not the first ones there. We waited in line until 4:45. We got in fast and got great seats. About 5:30 it started, and it was a blast. Loud, but still a great time. There was some music I didn't care for, but I enjoyed most, and the tour pastor brought a good message that reached some kids, and some made decisions for Christ. The headliner this year was tobymac, and he rocked the house. Final song was my favorite, Jesus freak. To some people, I guess you wouldn't have cared for it, but the kids loved it, and so did I. We got out easy and made it back to Hamilton by 10:15. It was truly a great day, the Lord blessed us. The kids did good, we had plenty of adult support, and it couldn't have went smoother. In the end, God was praised, we had a good time, and I feel revived in the fight! Thanks to Drew and Sayonia Garvin, Andlyn Robinson, and Dyana for going with us and keeping us straight. May God bless you for your help. Keep us in prayer, and keep up the fight. To God be the glory-brother jason

Jesus Freak by dctalk

People say I'm strange, does it make me a stranger
That my best friend was born in a manger
What will people think
When they hear that I'm a Jesus freak
What will people do when they find that its true
I don't really care if they label me a Jesus freak
There ain't no disguising the truth

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